Sushka Sarovara Vrittaanta

Shrunu Sushroni vaksheham sushkibhutam Sarovaram, yenavigjnaana matrena Naro muchet patakaat/   (Sushroni!-the One who hears attentively-let me explain the account of a dried up Sarovara (Pond) on hearing about which human beings would be freed from Patakas or serious sins committed by them). Hata sheshaamsi rakshaamsi tirobhutaani vai hrude, Sumaayamaa jalacharaan ghora rupa samanvitaah/ Chira kaalena te tatra punar devaan badhite kurvantomunisandhaanaam vighnanaaschaiva smaatatah/(Several daityas resided in the pond and used to harass Rishis and common beings). Once, Maha Deva and Maha Devi visited the neglected pond and Munis and Brahmanas complained to them about the cause of the neglect. Maha Deva realised the plight of the Rishis and Brahmanas; Veeksya vighnikritaan daithaih humkaaram karottadaa, humkaarena hataa Daityai magnastestu sarovare/ Maha Deva sighted the abandoned Sarovara as deserted by the Rishis and made the most frightening sound of Humkara, and instantly some the daityas died while some got silent and hid themselves). Magnaan drushtwa tato Devishashaapa sara uttamam Munivighna karaan yasmaad rakshase daitya daanavam/ (Devi Parvati then realised that some more Rakshasa-Daitya-Danavas continued to hide themselves and thus gave a curse to the Sarovara to dry up instantly) As the Sarovara dried up, the Raakshasaadis got exposed and Pramadha ganas hunted and destroyed them totally.

Sri V.D.N.Rao and Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham presents the Essence of Puranas in English, condensed by Sri. V.D.N.Rao, devotee of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam. Compiled, Composed and Interpreted by V.D.N.Rao, Former General Manager, India Trade Promotion Organisation, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India The author can be contacted at