Lord Brahma narrated the tale of Gajasura too to Narada Muni. As Durga Devi destroyed Mahishasura, his son Gajasura did incredible penance to the Creator Brahma and received the advantage that none excepting a ‘Jitendriya’ (Controller of Senses) could kill him. He took advantage of the boon and created havoc in the Three Worlds, especially by distressing Deities, Maharshis, and Brahmanas. He coerced that he should be worshipped and none else. The climax came when the Demon forced the devotees at Kasi to worship him and Maha Deva appeared and terminated Gajasura. While being killed the Demon realised his sins and as a death wish entreated Siva to wear his skin on His body. As He obliged the asura, Maha Deva is praised as Gajambaradhari. The Lord ordered that at the spot of the Demon’s end there must be a Siva Linga with His manifestation as Krittiveseshvar.
Sri V.D.N.Rao and Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham
Kamakoti.org presents the Essence of Puranas in English, condensed by Sri. V.D.N.Rao, devotee of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam. Compiled, Composed and Interpreted by V.D.N.Rao, Former General Manager, India Trade Promotion Organisation, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India The author can be contacted at raovdn@yahoo.co.in