Emergence of the Five Sadakhyas

Next, each of the five Shaktis merges with its corresponding Siva. Upon the union of Parashakti and Anashrita, a form called Siva Sadakhya appears, flashing forth incessantly with the radiance of thousands of lightning bolts. It emerges as one of ten parts of Parashakti. This is the first and fundamental tattva, which serves as the causal source for the evolution of all other tattvas. Sadakhya means that which is always pure and auspicious, undefiled by external or internal impurities and dispositions.

From the union of Adishakti and Anatha arises Amurti Sadakhya, as one tenth of Adishakti. It is likened to a fiery pillar with the brilliance of millions of suns. In the middle of that pillar is the vibrant presence of a luminous Linga called Divyalinga. Amurti Sadakhya, also called the primal pillar (mula stambha), serves as the source form for the occurrence of evolution and dissolution.

The union of Icchashakti and Ananta results in the emergence of Murti Sadakhya, comprising one-tenth of Icchashakti. It shines forth in the form of a fiery Linga, a blazing conflagration (kalagni), at the time of final dissolution (mahapralaya). In the upper part of that luminous Linga is a form with one face and three eyes, four hands, holding a deer, a hatchet and displaying the compassionate varada mudra and the fear-not abhaya mudra. This Sadakhya form, too, is not depicted as a visible image. It is to be contemplated only.

The union of Jnanashakti and Vyomarupa gives rise to Kartru Sadakhya as one-tenth of Jnanashakti. Kartru Sadakhya has the form of a crystal (sphatika) Linga, in the middle of which appears a beautiful, luminous form with four faces, twelve eyes, four colors, eight hands and two feet. The four hands on the right side display a trident, axe, sword and abhaya mudra; the four hands on the left side display a noose, snake, bell and varada mudra.

The union of Kriyashakti and Vyapaka gives rise to Karma Sadakhya as one-tenth of Kriyashakti. This is the most important Sadakhya form. It is in this form that the Linga and the pedestal (pitha) of the Sivalinga appear for the first time. The Linga denotes the vibrant state of sound, or nada. The pedestal denotes the vibrant state of bindu, the potency which actuates sound. Without bindu, sound is ineffectual. The Linga denotes Siva, and the pedestal denotes Shakti. Karma Sadakhya is the united form of Siva and Shakti (Linga and pitha) for the systematic performance of the five cosmic functions.

In the same manner that the first five shaktis are manifested, there appear various other sets of Shaktis, each successively less subtle than the last. These include the five Paranada Kalas and the Aparanada Kalas. Along with the Paranada Kalas, there appear five Parabindu Kalas with the same effulgence. Corresponding to the five Aparanada Kalas, there appear five Aparabindu Kalas in the same manner and with the same effulgence. All of these manifestations explained so far exist in the transcendental realm known as pure creation (shuddha shrishti), far beyond the physical world.
